kay ambrose
classical dances & costumes of india, raspberry stitch scarf in progress, gustave flaubert
l'education sentimentale.
and here is the recipe for the infamous raspberry stitch:
-- you need to cast on a certain amount of stitches, this number must be a multiple of four plus an extra two: for example 22 or 26.
-- this stitch is made up of a pattern of four rows which you then repeat
-- for the first row: purl all stitches
-- for the second row: knit one stitch, (then knit one, purl one and knit one into one stitch), purl three stitches together. repeat this until you get to the end of the row where there will be an extra stitch, knit this.
-- for the third row: purl all stitches
-- for the fourth row: knit one stitch, purl three stitches together, (then knit one, purl one and knit one into one stitch), repeat this until you get to the end of the row where there will be an extra stitch, knit this.
-- repeat this pattern to your heart's content.
-- to knit one, purl one and knit one on the same stitch is a bit difficult. the trick is to do all three stitches and not slip the stitch off the needle until after the last one. (there are tutorials online if this does not make sense!)
-- to purl three stitches together just jam three stitches on your needle at once instead of one.